Friday, May 17, 2013

the girl names Noor Hayati

Mood: recall the environment.
venue: ampang.

today is May. and the figure 17 is special for me.

May is the comes again. hai May, glad to see u on the calendar again. Every time i saw u, i wish that May will be treat me nicely. One of the reason, i was born on this month, 17th on Tuesday. The best thing that i know, my mom olways said that i too excited to celebrate the aid with others. that why i was born on the first of Syawal. i decide to 'come out' when all the families member goes to mosque for pray. I was so lucky. When i 'come out' all my relative and family is with me.

I was born at my sweet home. That why if u look into my certificate of birth, the location of birth is 'parit dua api-api'. That is the name of my village. There is no doctors or nurses who welcomed me. Only experienced traditional midwives from my village is only available. My auntie told me that i was greeted in the tray. "uwekk..uwekk..uwekk".. That is first time i that singing become a singer. haha.  Therefore,start on that moment my mom need to confinement and she automaticly cannot eat the delicious and tremendous taste of foods that had been prepared the day before.

Owh mummy, i'm very sorry because of my impatient. Myb that is enough if i give u a day, than u can enjoy the food  and meal a day before. That is the first things that she sacrificed for me, after i born in this world. Thank u mom. u olways da best! nobody can replace ur place in my heart till Jannah. i love u mom! <3 terima kaseh.

to be cont....part II

who is baby D?

mood: TGIF (thanks God, it Friday)
venue: ampang

Curious about baby D? Then, i tell u...

Maybe someone will misunderstood me or my status before. Baby D is name of my fabv dslr camara that i lost on the new year 2013. Mybe my some related friend dosen't know of the existence of the powerful gadget that i once ago . Now, i told u.. my  baby D is canon 60D with kits lens 55-135mm. Not so powerful enough but for intermediate like me, is was really superb  & enough for me! the estimate of total lost is about 4k.Argh! The thing that i really frustrated and disappointed it happen bcz of dummies's careless, i hve to incur the effect. What the...damm! i really hate to say it. because i think the accident can be avoided from happen.They so careless!!. if people outside there know the truth about the accident, u guys are also blaming 'them' bcz acted so stupid. why lah! why lah!!

However, in da same time i learned to thankful to Allah because nothing bad happened to me. Allah is still loved me. Alhamdulillah.I believe when the good thing taken back, 'He' will give a better after that. i believe, insyallah. With my hardwork & effort, i'll buy da same thing 60D or myb more advance as second generation of baby D. 5D Mark III  hopefully? who knows?

For 'those' people.remember. i olways keep ur words in my mind. nak ganti balik kan? when u r graduate or start working. cepat keja kumpul RM. i'll wait for that day!! :)

#canon.the lightning you always :')

Saturday, May 4, 2013

5 Mei 2013

mood: mengundi. PRU13
listen to: alhamdulillah. (dari seberang)


Sekarang jam menunjukan pukul 2 pagi. Awal pagi seperti sekarang ni memang sunyi. Mungkin semua orang tidur awal nak undi awal esok kot? mata akak dah ngantuk, tapi tahan mata xmau tido. huk3~

Tanggal 5 Mei 2013
Hari yg ditunggu-tunggu telah tiba. satu lagi tarikh penting yg akan diingati dlm sejarah Malaysia.Apabila tamatnya sepenggal pemerintahan dan pentadbiran oleh kerajaan yg lalu, hari ini akan menjadi permulaan dan penentu segala-galanya. Di mana rakyat akan keluar lagi untuk membuang undi dan membuat pemilihan.
Proses pengundian adalah sejenis bai'ah, iaitu pengakuan taat setia. Ia merupakan suatu usaha untuk membentuk pengagihan kuasa yang benar dan adil. Semua ini adalah proses yg perlu dilalui untuk mengetahui dan memilih semula tompok kerajaan negara selepas ini. Segala-galanya akan terungkap esok. Kuasa rakyat. Penentu segala-galanya.
Adakah mengekalkan kerajaan yang lama atau kerajaan yang baru?

tepuk dada tanyalah selera.

Saat ini, akak masih tak mampu untuk memilih siapa calon pemimpin yg benar-benar berjiwa rakyat, membela  Terlalu banyak info baik buruk calon-calon yang bertanding mewakili parti yg tak pasti kesahihan sumbernya. Banyak lagi rumor tersebar akak rasa. Sampai akak rasa tak tahu nak percaya mana.

Ya ampun.
Seriously, i'm so excited to cast my vote for this upcoming election. This is my first tym to me to do this. Watever is, this is exculy my third tym. haha!!  [tetiba cakap omputeh] (Firstly, demonstrasi pilihanraya di PLKN dgn kerjasama SPR Melaka. Second, pilihanraya kampus). Tapi yg itu, impaknya tak lah sehebat yg ini. 
Undian yg menyumbang utk pembentukan kerajaan Malaysia pada masa hadapan. 
Tapi dlm masa yg sama akak risau. Akak harap akak tidak salah memilih pemimpim. Jika salah mengundi, bertanggungjawablah akak terima buruk baiknya. Siapa yang mewakili parti apa tidak penting bagi akak. Yg akak harap mereka tak mengkhianati kepercayaan yg diberikan rakyat. 
Tidak kepada rasuah, tidak juga kepada pemimpin yg zalim dan menindas.

Bismillah~ semoga esok pagi akak dapat membuat pilihan yang bijak dan tepat.