Saturday, January 18, 2014

Kerja lebih masa

Mood: lalala kerja~

Hari ini hari sabtu. Hari ke empat bekerja keras.Rasanya dah kerja 85++ jam bekerja tanpa rehat yang cukup. Haih~~ Sekarang jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 7 malam. Akak masih di office.Baru sekarang akak terasa seperti kuli yang sedang bertungkus lumus kerja. tiga hari kerja seperti sia-sia. Sebabnya bila new PRR keluar, kena redo all the things. Seperti orang yang sedang berlari maraton ke check last point tapi terpaksa start from begining. Again!!

New update this late everning~~

"Hayati, u need to cancel the PVR and regenerate the 5th PRR.." ..bosses said.
argh!! not again!!

Akak is really tired now. I dont want to come to office AGAIN tomorrow. Redo all the things yesterday recon. :(

really need rest and holiday.
Rindu rumah.
Rindu emak.
Rindu Shin Chan.
Rindu Pinggu.
Rindu Bolat.
Rindu katil empuk.
...dan nak pergi urut... my back pain. :'(

Thursday, January 2, 2014

firework lagi!

mood: firework lagi!

Assalamualaikum tahun baru.

Permulaan tahun baru yang agak baik. Akhirnya akak rasa lega sesangat sebab tak bawak beban tahun 2013 ke 2014. Rasa nya akak lama dah nak habiskan cerita 'tergantung' tu. Tapi nak buat macam mana? kalau dah banyak kali hints tak 'makan' jugak kan?

Akak tak boleh tunggu lagi. no more hints anymore~

Permulaan kata yang agak bisa dari akak. tapi yang penting, mesej tercapai. Akhirnya dia baru bukak mulut selepas 'tembakkan bertalu-talu' dari akak. Hurm~~
Actually i already know everything before you said but i really want to hear from your mouth. Hear ur honesty and sincerity. Hear ur heart say. If u read this, i want to saiy that...Many thanks to you. I know it burden and hard. But atleast u need to express ur feeling.u will feel very relieved after it. did u feel it now? I just want to help u. 

Terima kasih kerana sudi menjadi kawan akak. Tapi buat masa sekarang, hati akak masih liat untuk terima lebih dari kawan. Akak bukan artis hot yang perlu diekori, perlu diperhati, perlu dijejaki dan lagi-lagi perlu dicemburui. Kerana sebab yang agak tidak masuk akal. Maaf. Akak perlu jadi diri sendiri. So sorry to be so selfish.but i need to love myself first before give it to someone else. I need my space.

If u really like me, just show ur honesty. Be urself. Respect others feelings. Respect others P&C. Respect old people. And dont forget to pray. Remember, Allah is always with u IF u always remember him. Insyaallah. One day, if she is already written is yours, she will come to you. Believe Allah.

Good news from office. effective 1 Jan. Status is change. :')